Thursday, June 21, 2018

Summer Adventure 2018 Day 40

It's moving day, again! From Homer to Soldotna is less than 80 miles, so it was a quick trip. After getting setup at Klondike RV Park we went to the visitor center then over to Kenai to see the sights. First stop was the beach then on to Old Town Kenai. There are several original  cabins that have been moved and setup together to create a small cabin community. The original Russian Orthodox Church, St. Nicholas Memorial Chapel and Veronica's Coffee House are among the dwellings I photographed along with some spectacular views of Cook Inlet. 

Don and Lora stopped in Ninilchik for a week of fishing on the river. Don just isn't having very good luck with his fishing. They closed King Salmon fishing the day after he bought his tag, while we we in Homer last week he went out on an all day charter with five other people; everyone caught their limit, but he didn't catch anything. Now today the state officials closed all fishing on the rivers.  He is scheduled to go out again Saturday on another charter, maybe he will have better luck then.


  1. Love the flamingos :) All your pictures are breathtaking. Thank you Romona

    1. I know...I just had to get a picture of them while in Alaska.
