Saturday, June 2, 2018

Summer Adventure 2018 Day 20

It was a beautiful day for exploring Dawson City, beginning with breakfast at Eldorado Hotel, then a visit to the Dawson City Museum. The staff there was very friendly which made our visit even more enjoyable. We walked around town taking pictures at every turn. It's too bad I can't share all of them here, but no need to be concerned I will share a few of the best. We saw the small cabin that was home to poet, Robert Service, Jack London's even smaller cabin, and other buildings that caught our attention. Bill took a boat tour, we drove up to the dome above town for the view, it was worth the whole trip to Dawson City. There was a short drive out to Bonanza Creek where the stampede to the gold in Dawson City began and the night ended with a show at Diamond Tooth Gertie's.

Prospector's thermometer

Robert Service's cabin

Jack London's cabin

View from the dome

Bonanza Creek

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