Thursday, June 21, 2018

Summer Adventure 2018 Day 39

We were on the Rainbow Tours, Seldovia Wildlife tour with Captain Victoria, first mate Madalyn and Emma, a marine biologist aboard the M/V Discovery . We set sail right on time headed to Gull Island in Kachemak Bay.  Before we reached the island large groups of  Murre, black & white sea birds,  were rafting up off the island. Victoria told us that indicates eagles are present when the Murre leave the island and sit on the water. There were smaller burrows of puffins just off the island as well. Sea otters were dining on clams near the island. Thousands of Kittiwake Gulls were on or circling the island. There were at least three eagles present.  It was easy to know when the eagles were in the air, the gulls were excited and fluttered about in a frenzy. They knew they were in the danger zone. We witnessed an eagle capture a gull, then another eagle came and stole it. Madalyn and Emma were available to answer questions and help us spot the wildlife.

Three eagles battling for one gull.

As we moved on toward Seldovia there was a clearly defined line in the water. On one side was beautiful green water of Kachemak Bay and on the other side was the gray silt water from glacier melt which was even colder once we crossed the demarcation. Victoria pointed out the rock formations that resemble animals, and the fjords of Sadie Cove. There were more sea otters and even three sea lions on a beach.

Before arriving at Seldovia we were given a map, then the girls came and marked places of interest and the good food spots. We had a couple of hours to roam around and we used every minute, first we had lunch at Linwood, "Where you otter be".  Then we had the rest of the afternoon to explore the streets of Seldovia.

Did you notice the eagles on the ground?

On the ride back, Victoria spotted a humpback whale and we stopped to watch it.  Don called and invited us to go to dinner when we return to Homer. We met them at Land's End for dinner at the Chart Room. It was a great day!

Just came in from whale watching.

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