Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Summer Adventure 2018 Day 28

We left Fairbanks on the Parks Highway south toward Denali. The road wasn't a bad drive. We arrived at Denali RV Park & Motel after a short drive. There were four of us checking in and setting up at the same time. The couple next to us have a broken windshield. It was hit by two rocks.

After getting setup we went to the Denali Wilderness Access Center. There we talked with Brenda at the information desk, she had the answers we needed to choose which bus trip we wanted to take into the park. We decided to take the 12 hour Transit Bus to Wonder Lake trip.  With tickets for the bus trip the next morning in hand, we were talking about the tour as we walked toward the car. Then we noticed a large group of people gathered together and in their midst a couple of forest rangers. Attention wasn't focused on either of the rangers, but across the parking lot. What could be going on over there? It was a moose! Of course we moved into the group in order to get a couple of pictures.

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