Friday, June 15, 2018

Summer Adventure 2018 Day 31

I saw pancakes pass by our table this morning that were a half inch thick and hanging over the edge of the plate. Too bad I didn't have my camera in hand at the time. We each ordered omelets and they were extra large as well. Ray asked for biscuits & gravy, but the biscuits were all gone, wish I could have seen them.

Rose's Cafe is a couple of miles north of the RV park, the sign advertises "comfort food" and there were several cars in the parking lot, a reliable indication of good food. We arrived just as a group of people were leaving, so we didn't have to wait for a table. The dining room is small, only 9 tables and a couple of seats at the counter. Only 1 waitress was efficiently managing the room and 2 cooks were visible in the kitchen. We had to wait a bit longer for our food than at other restaurants, but it was piping hot when it arrived and very tasty.
As we waited,we watched as customer finished their gigantic meals and left then more people arrived and filled the table before the seats had time to cool. It was a steady stream while we were there. Everyone was pleasant and no one seemed disquieted that they had to wait a few minutes longer. After a while another lady was refilling coffee and water. I heard her say she was not an employee, but thought she could help keep the coffee cups filled. 

As I paid our bill, I asked the waitress if they were always busy like that. She told me not like today, she didn't know what brought everyone in this morning. Rose's Cafe was a great stop for breakfast!

We were late again for the  hike with a ranger, but Bill went on his own. He invited me to join him, but it was so cold outside and I'm a fair weather walker. 

While Bill hiked the short trail the rest of us went to check out the restaurants for dinner since it seems you must have reservations. We checked the menus at 3 places. The first was Alpenglow, perched on the hillside high above the others. On the winding drive up the hill we noticed the evidence of a keen sense of humor as we read the road signs. The first was WATCH FOR FALLING COCONUTS, followed by  TROLL BRIDGE, THIS SIGN IS NOT IN USE, WET WHEN RAINING, and the image of a mosquito carrying a man away. There were a few more to keep your mind busy and not thinking of how steep and winding and bumpy the road is. We checked at 2 others and the Canyon Steakhouse at McKinley Chalets was selected.  We made the reservation and Pam asked to see the dining room. After her  tour, she reserved the table with the view she liked best.

Back to meet Bill after his hike and we had time to spare before the sled dog demonstration. We headed for the bookstore, but became sidetracked when we saw the Morino Grill. A hot cup of beef stew or vegetarian chili was just right to warm us up on this cold day.

Seeing all the dogs spring to life when it was time to hitch some of them to the training cart for the demonstration was spectacular. Every dog was active, jumping and barking as they wanted to be chosen. Just like kids yelling pick me, pick me. As the chosen few were hitched to the cart they continued to jump and bark anxious to run. Run they did...just as quickly as the ranger released the brake they were off. 

Of course we had to be outside for the dog sled demo and yes, it was still cold. Afterward we headed to the visitors center where it would be warm. Everyone was thinking the same thing. We went into the theater to watch the short movies about Denali National Park and hiking & camping tips & safety. There are many rules and safety precautions to follow here at this 6 million acre wilderness park in order for people to be safe and also keep the wildlife and land protected. 

We had a good meal and great service from David and Junior at Canyon Steakhouse before returning to our rigs for the night. The day wasn't quite finished yet, there was laundry, pictures and a blog to catch up on.  It was a full day and I'm happy to be inside and warm. In case you have wondered just how cold it was. The high temp on this cloudy day was 42.

Rose's Cafe

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