Sunday, June 17, 2018

Summer Adventure 2018 Day 34

No tours or sightseeing today. I told you yesterday about getting the new faucet to repair our broken kitchen faucet, so today is repair day while we're near Home Depot in case we need something else. We opened the box to get the parts ready, oh wait, this one won't work for the layout we have on the countertop. Now to box it up because we must return this one and get the other one I found yesterday. Back at the RV we open the new box and get things ready to begin work. Ray tried to get under the sink, but that plan didn't work. Plan B, was to call Bill. He came to our rescue with a complete arsenal of tools. The old parts are taken out and the new ones are in place, but wait a minute, there's a new problem, the new hoses have a different type of connector. We're off to Home Depot again and after going back and forth between a couple of aisles we found the perfect fix, some sort of adapters. Back at the motorhome, Bill put on the adapters, Ray turned on the water and just like that our kitchen is back to normal. Yea!

After helping us, Bill tried to trace the problem he's having when he tows the car and plugs in the taillights. They don't work on the car. He found a short. While he goes to get a connector to fix the short, we will go to Best Buy. Ray needs another backup drive and I could use one, too.

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