Monday, June 4, 2018

Summer Adventure 2018 Day 21

When we were planning this trip we researched the road conditions we could encounter. Knowing there could be unimproved roads, roads that would be in disrepair, broken, potholed, heaved and washboard sections. After discussing the routes and knowing summer caravans would use the Klondike Loop and the Top of the World Highway, we decided we could do the same. After all this is our summer adventure and we may never come this way again.  The Klondike Loop was good road most of the time. That took us to Dawson City. Now we are leaving Dawson City on a cloudy, rainy morning...on the George Black Ferry. A bridge would cost them $30 million, so the ferry runs 24/7/365.  Even though the ferry boat seemed a bit small for our rigs we did it. Only one rig at a time.
Bill & Pam on the George Black Ferry

We were in the clouds during the morning. The Canadian portion of the Top of the World Highway was fair driving to the U.S Poker Creek border crossing.

From there it was a beautiful, smooth paved road for 13 miles.  Then oh my gosh! We drove on dusty, bumpy, sometimes narrow and winding roads. The distance we traveled was only 222 miles, which took nearly 7 hours of driving with only a couple of quick stops. Even at Chicken the stop was short. I did get a picture there. The sun was shining for a while, but we could see the rain clouds.

The smoothest road of the entire trip.

We planned to wash the coach and truck at the RV park, but the RV wash wasn't operational. They were just getting geared up for summer, I think.  Once we were setup on our sites, I suggested maybe they would let us wash the rigs on our sites, if we offered to pay the price of the RV wash. Ray called the office and just like magic, we were able to wash them. Ray's Suburban has NEVER been dirty like this before.

Look at all the gravel Bill's tow shield caught.

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