Friday, June 29, 2018

Summer Adventure 2018 Day 45

We had planned to leave Seward today, but decided to stay another day. Bill wanted to hike Exit Glacier.

Exit Glacier

The edge of the glacier reached to this point in 1899.

While he was gone to the glacier Ray took Pam and me to Seward where washed the Suburban then we visited every half the gift shops and The Fish House/True Value stopped for lunch then perused the other half of the gift shops.

At dinner we returned to Seward to dine at Ray's Waterfront Restaurant.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Summer Adventure 2018 Day 44

This day will be hard to top. We went on the Kenai Fjords National Park Tour by Major Marine Tours. We chose MMT for a couple of reasons; it is an Alaskan owned business and they have a National Park Ranger onboard daily and the girls in the sales office were friendly and very helpful.

To begin an incredibly friendly young man picked us up at our campground, he knew our names and which cruise we had scheduled. There was one other couple from Stoney Creek that on the same cruise we chose. Another couple, who were scheduled for a different cruise, came to the pickup point just before the shuttle arrived. The driver told them they could join us and then walk around in Seward instead of just waiting there. There was another stop to pickup another group for our cruise, then in to Seward. When we dropped off the couple going on a different cruise the driver explained they would board their boat at a different dock and he would drop them where they needed to be. Not only did he drop them at their correct place he walked them in to show them where to check-in.  He dropped us off at the front door of our check-in spot and told us he would be there when the tour ended for our return trip to the campground. During the drive, both ways he engaged in interesting conversation about the cruise, Seward, and himself.

When we checked in, we were directed to go ahead and board the Glacier Express where we were assigned a table and a couple from California joined us there. The table assignment was mainly for a place to stow our things and eat lunch. Otherwise, we were free to move about as we pleased. The captain and crew was all female and they were a great team. The only exception to the all female crew was the National Park Ranger, Joseph. He wasn't actually a crew member, though. He was outside on the bow when there was something for us to be watching; in just his shirt sleeves, short sleeves at that.  I don't know how he managed that. I was dressed in layers with a warm jacket and wondered why I didn't wear more. He shared his wealth of knowledge with us and answered our questions throughout the cruise. Ranger Joseph had a plethora of activities for the children on board and before the end of the day there were 22 new Junior Rangers sworn in.

Much of the time was spent outside on the bow. It was cold there, too. The warmth of the inside along with hot tea, coffee and hot chocolate were very welcomed when we came in from the cold. As lunchtime came around the captain instructed us how the system worked and everything went smoothly. The food, salmon and prime rib, salad, rice, a veggie and sourdough bread was all good and if someone wanted seconds or even thirds they were permitted to return after everyone had been served once. There was so much to see, I had only time and desire for only one serving.  Later, during the return trip mixed fruit, cheesecake and a brownie was served. No one should have left that boat hungry.

In just a matter of minutes after leaving the harbor, the captain announced she had spotted some humpback whales feeding. We spent a nice amount of time watching those whales. Dall porpoises, they resemble Orca whales, played along side the boat for a while. There was a Fin whale, sea otters, sea lions, puffins, more humpbacks, mountain goats, and a family of Orcas. I was able to get pictures of everything we saw with only one exception, the Fin whale. There was only one, the sighting was brief and I was on the wrong side of the boat for a good shot. The captain was very fair about turning the boat to allow everyone a good view.

We saw Bear Glacier, the closest glacier in the park to Seward, and two tidewater glaciers, Holgate and Aialik (i-AL-ik). Everyone was very quiet while we watched and listened to the glaciers, pop, crack, creak and sometimes sound like thunder. Yes, we witnessed the glaciers calving, too. In case you were wondering about our seeing mountain goats, it occurred while we were pulled up near Holgate Glacier. Before leaving Aialik Glacier, a couple of the crew fished some large chunks of glacier ice from the bay and minutes later they were making Glacier Ice Margaritas.

We saw so much today, the captain said we were behind schedule a bit. She must have done a good job making up time because we were less than 5 minutes late returning to the dock. There was a Holland America Cruise Ship at the dock so I'm sure some folks on our tour had to get back to that ship as well as the ones who were taking the train to Anchorage. They certainly keep things to the schedule so no one is left behind. It was a marvelous day! I wrote a short post on Facebook about what a fantastic day we had and shortly after that I saw 2 others post similar things.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Summer Adventure 2018 Days 42-43

Thursday Don and Lora came to Soldotna for the day and we met them for lunch at Caribou Family Restaurant. Ray and Bill found a barber and got haircuts. After that not much else for the day.

Friday morning I went to the local bakery, The Moose is Loose, just after they opened to pickup a Roadkill, the flat cinnamon roll, a Moose Neck - the extra large donut and I couldn't resist a regular cinnamon roll which was actually larger than a normal one. As you can see from the pictures everything here is BIG! The Moose Neck is as large as the plate. Ray and I shared the donut before getting on the road. It  was very yummy, similar to a Krispy Creme, but it still didn't compare to my favorite, Spaldings donuts. The rolls were saved for another time and both were very good.

We had a had a short drive to Stoney Creek RV Park at Seward. The park is  about 5 miles outside of town. Bill worked on his taillight problem and thinks he got it fixed. It was a bit of corrosion in the plug. He was able to clean it up to make the connection.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Summer Adventure 2018 Day 41

Don & Lora came to Soldotna since the rivers are closed so he can't fish and we all went to lunch at Caribou Family Restaurant. Don met some folks at the RV park from North Dakota just a few miles from where he lived; he's hoping they might invite him to join them for a day of fishing on their  boat, which would allow them to get out into the bay. 

Ray and Bill found a barber, so now they aren't so shaggy. Yesterday Bill and Pam, found one of their bedroom slides wouldn't slide out, so today he tracked down the problem and has been working on it this afternoon. I'm not sure if he has it fixed yet, but I'm sure it will be working soon, now that he found the cause for his trouble.

Our friends, Kathy and Paul, arrived late yesterday in Alaska. I've been wondering what they're up to all day. I basically know their plans, but I'm still wondering what's up.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Summer Adventure 2018 Day 40

It's moving day, again! From Homer to Soldotna is less than 80 miles, so it was a quick trip. After getting setup at Klondike RV Park we went to the visitor center then over to Kenai to see the sights. First stop was the beach then on to Old Town Kenai. There are several original  cabins that have been moved and setup together to create a small cabin community. The original Russian Orthodox Church, St. Nicholas Memorial Chapel and Veronica's Coffee House are among the dwellings I photographed along with some spectacular views of Cook Inlet. 

Don and Lora stopped in Ninilchik for a week of fishing on the river. Don just isn't having very good luck with his fishing. They closed King Salmon fishing the day after he bought his tag, while we we in Homer last week he went out on an all day charter with five other people; everyone caught their limit, but he didn't catch anything. Now today the state officials closed all fishing on the rivers.  He is scheduled to go out again Saturday on another charter, maybe he will have better luck then.

Summer Adventure 2018 Day 39

We were on the Rainbow Tours, Seldovia Wildlife tour with Captain Victoria, first mate Madalyn and Emma, a marine biologist aboard the M/V Discovery . We set sail right on time headed to Gull Island in Kachemak Bay.  Before we reached the island large groups of  Murre, black & white sea birds,  were rafting up off the island. Victoria told us that indicates eagles are present when the Murre leave the island and sit on the water. There were smaller burrows of puffins just off the island as well. Sea otters were dining on clams near the island. Thousands of Kittiwake Gulls were on or circling the island. There were at least three eagles present.  It was easy to know when the eagles were in the air, the gulls were excited and fluttered about in a frenzy. They knew they were in the danger zone. We witnessed an eagle capture a gull, then another eagle came and stole it. Madalyn and Emma were available to answer questions and help us spot the wildlife.

Three eagles battling for one gull.

As we moved on toward Seldovia there was a clearly defined line in the water. On one side was beautiful green water of Kachemak Bay and on the other side was the gray silt water from glacier melt which was even colder once we crossed the demarcation. Victoria pointed out the rock formations that resemble animals, and the fjords of Sadie Cove. There were more sea otters and even three sea lions on a beach.

Before arriving at Seldovia we were given a map, then the girls came and marked places of interest and the good food spots. We had a couple of hours to roam around and we used every minute, first we had lunch at Linwood, "Where you otter be".  Then we had the rest of the afternoon to explore the streets of Seldovia.

Did you notice the eagles on the ground?

On the ride back, Victoria spotted a humpback whale and we stopped to watch it.  Don called and invited us to go to dinner when we return to Homer. We met them at Land's End for dinner at the Chart Room. It was a great day!

Just came in from whale watching.