Friday, December 28, 2012

Where Did They Come From; Where Are They Going?

We've been traveling all day and the traffic is heavy. The license plates we've seen are from various places like Minnesota,  Ontario, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and Arkansas. The assortment of vehicles complements the variety as well. They are large and small with most somewhere between. Some had 6 or 7 inches of snow riding on the top. Many were so encased with a brown or gray layer of dirt from the roadway it was hard to tell what color they were, while just a few were sparkling clean. Drivers were dancing to the beat of the music, in deep conversation with the passenger or gripping the steering wheel with both hands devoting complete attention to the traffic around them.

As I ride along this highway listening to Christmas music or news or the oldies, I've been watching the folks pass by, wondering where they've been and where they could be going.

The sun is setting, traffic is thinning and we have 50 miles to go before we stop for today. God blessed us with a good trip today! Tomorrow we'll be travelling again, I wonder what sights we'll see then?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Busy Week

Ray's back is getting better. He feels more like getting out and doing things. We went to Fort Myers for the Sand Sculpting exhibit last week. It was fun to watch the artists at work.

I celebrated my birthday, Vicki and Terry treated us to dinner. They even got a Red Velvet cake and ice cream. I had lots of phone calls and text messages to wish me a happy birthday, too.

Vicki and I learned and practiced line dances at the club house every morning and had three other ladies join us one morning. We made turkey favors to take to our Thanksgiving dinner at Dee & WD's in Sarasota.

We met new friends at Thanksgiving, ate the most delicious food, every bite, and taught a couple of the line dances we learned  to Dee, Judy, Nikki and Tori. What a sight, the six of us dancing in Dee's kitchen where there wasn't much space, but a huge bundle of laughter and fun. This was the first time I've been away from my kids for Thanksgiving, that was odd and I missed them, but dancing in the kitchen was fun. Someday when Nikki & Tori are professional tennis players, I'll watch them on TV and say I danced with them in the kitchen on Thanksgiving. I should have taken pictures, but didn't have the camera out until everyone was leaving. I didn't do a very good job being the photographer that day.

Terry played Petanque one afternoon with a group of Canadians. We went along to be the spectators and cheer him on. He was quite good at the game and Friday the four of us played. It was the guys against the girls. We managed to beat the guys 2 out of 3 games. Later in the evening we met at the club house to play Hearts. The girls won again.

I will miss all of this when we go home, but I will be so happy to see my kids and grandkids again.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Another Night in Port Richey

We were able to leave Panama City Beach while the Ironman contestants were swimming; avoiding a traffic jam during the biking or running events. The day was beautiful and the trip was good. We decided to stop for the night and found an available site in Port Richey that was very convenient. Then it happened, Ray was unhooking the Suburban from the motorhome when his back wrenched.

This morning we spent an hour working to get him out of bed. We called Judi to let her know we wouldn't be arriving today as scheduled. The rest of the day was spent icing, heating and massaging Ray's back. He says he'll be able to travel tomorrow. WD called and offered to come drive us to Sun 'N Fun. I knew he would, but Ray thinks he'll be able to drive. So hopefully my next post will be from Sarasota.

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Card

Over the years, we have gone from using travelers checks to a Visa travel card to our newest version from American Express, purchased at our local AAA office.

The AAA agent who handled the switch from our old travel card to the new one explained that AAA had changed providers and that the new one would work exactly as the old one had in the past. We questioned whether it would be accepted as readily everywhere as the Visa card had been and she enthusiastically assured us that it would. far it has not been welcomed everywhere. As a matter of fact, the only place it has worked has been Walmart. The RV park could not accept it, the restaurants here will not take it. One even accepted a personal check, but not the card. Even the banks can't accept the card.

We've made numerous phone calls to AAA and American Express and spent a whole day trying to track down even one ATM that would accept the card. It seems we have a "global travel savings card". There is no way to get any cash from it or make a purchase, except at Walmart. We love Walmart as much as the rest of America, but we don't want to spend all our travel money there!

We've decided to use our regular credit card instead of becoming any more frustrated with the card. That defeats our goal of using cash instead of credit during this trip.

We will be looking for a new way to use cash while traveling.

Monday, October 29, 2012

I-65 Southbound

It was pretty chilly this morning at Jellystone Park. We were up early so we went to our favorite spot for breakfast when we're traveling, Cracker Barrel. As we were leaving the restaurant I saw a local celebrity, Eddie B., going in. Sorry Vicki, I didn't get to say hi.

We're in Alabama now, with the wind at our back and not much traffic. The sun is shining, but the news on the radio is not very good for the folks on the east coast where Hurricane Sandy is. We have winds up to 30mph here.

We made it to Camper's Inn as the sun was setting. We're ready to stop, it has been a long day.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Winter in the Bluegrass

Last week the weather was warm and sunny until Friday. Old man winter is creeping in. Today he brought cold gray skies and a light misty rain, just a warning of things to come. It isn't a beautiful day for travel, but we are headed south via the Bluegrass Parkway on our way to Nashville. I wish our North Dakota friends could meet us there, but they will be a few days behind us and we'll meet them a little farther down the road.

Today is a good day for a toasty warm fire. Maybe Cracker Barrel will have one for us when we meet our former pastor and his wife for a late lunch when we arrive in Nashville.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Political Lessons from the Mouth of Babes!

Today I worked for a short time in a K/1 class where they were learning about government. One child asked me who I thought would be the best president. I was able to turn the question and learned he thinks B. Obama would be his choice. He had support at his table,too. The child across the table said, "Yea, because Romney wants people to marry someone they don't really love and if rich people take a taxi they won't pay as much as a poor person."

Friday, October 19, 2012

I Love My Job!

Even though I retired this year, I am working part-time at the same school. I love traveling with my husband and I love my job, so my principal worked it out for me to work part-time.

I was just in a classroom to help a teacher with a Smartboard problem and as I was leaving a student called my name. When I responded to the child with the hugest grin, the question was, "Do you know how you helped my mom with her web page, the Miller Minute? Do you think you could help me make one called the Miller Davis?" How can you do anything but smile at that?  

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ode to Europe

written by: Cheryl M. Jackson
Roses are red

Violets are blue

Things can go wrong

In Europe, too


What has gone wrong

Let me count the ways

To paint a perfect picture

Let’s go back a few days


Our flight was delayed

By a couple of hours

After we’d driven

Through more than some showers


We made it to London

And walked around town

Only to discover

Group B’s on the ground


What has happened

We all had to ask

My nerves were a wreck

And I needed a flask


Tensions were high

And a man grew ill

Newfoundland they landed

Perhaps they’ll get a free meal


Shannon, Ireland?

Where the heck is that?

Meanwhile on the tarmac

They grumbled and sat


“Here we come!”

They all began to shout

No, wait...Just joking

The power’s now out


We saw all the sights

Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame

Our luck has changed

Nothing else can go wrong


But what to my wondering

Eyes should appear

Oh no! Not that!

It was my biggest fear


Just when you thought

Things couldn’t get worse

A pickpocket decided

To take Mary’s purse


To the embassy she went

And was back in a flash

Got her passport restored

But still had no cash


We rode the metro

A boat and the tube

Enjoyed all the meals

Without an ice cube


Just when we thought

Our bad luck was over

Group B should have picked us

A four-leaf clover


Group A is now stuck

In the Charles de Gall

The kids didn’t mind

Cuz inside there’s a mall


So many things

Should have caused mass delirium

So thankful we are

For the presence of our Miriam


We must say goodbye

And wish it weren’t the case

Such memories were made

That time can’t erase.


Our kids have been great

And are so resilient

I must say overall

The trip has been brilliant


Monday, October 8, 2012

Nearing the Finish

We landed in Chicago at 7:00pm, finally got to the motel about 10:30. The layover in Paris caused us to miss our connecting flight so we leave Chicago just past noon. I'll begin the dial leg of this adventure around 2:00, if the flight to Nashville is on schedule. My brother-in-law is bringing my car to me in Nashville so I can go straight home from there. That will save me at least two hours of driving. Bless his heart!

When I get home I'll be able to get more pictures posted.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Time to Go

Good-bye Paris. Well almost....we just learned our flight has a 4 hour delay.

European Adventure Day 6

We were able to spend 2 hours at the Louvre. I wish we had had more time there, I guess maybe one day I'll have to come back.

Lunch was absolutely wonderful and the server delightful.

Friday, October 5, 2012

It's like Times Square!

Piccadilly Circus was like being at Times Square. I looked everywhere for my girlfriends and 'The Naked Cowboy'.

European Adventure Day 5

Yesterday was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. I'm happy that it is over and today was much better. I decided I should give Paris another chance before I say I don't like it here.

This morning we got an early start with a 1 hour taxi ride to the embassy to get my sister's passport replaced after a pick pocket took her wallet yesterday. The driver was a very friendly young man and we chatted about various things during the drive. I asked if drivers here ever get angry because at home there would have been horns blowing and hand gestures flying around in the traffic I witnessed. He said that was a rare thing. I told him about "road rage" and he thought the phrase was very funny. The traffic in Paris is very heavy for nearly 3 hours beginning at 6:20 every morning. It was 4 lanes, bumper to bumper with motorcycles driving between the cars in the two left hand lanes and scooters are permitted to drive any where.

Everyone at the embassy was very nice and so helpful. We were there less than an hour, left with her new passport in hand and caught up with the tour group just in time to go to Versailles.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

European Adventure Day 4

Traveled to Paris via the Eurostar train, we dropped the luggage at the hotel then took the Metro subway to Montmartre to visit Sacre-Coure, which was so very beautiful. I was very uncomfortable having to be suspicious that everyone passing was there to Pick my pocket. I did not like people coming up to me to distract me. One guy reached out and grabbed my arm wanting to make a friendship bracelet. There wasn't just one or two of these guys, they were everywhere I turned.

My first impression of Paris is not a good one. Everything I saw today was filthy, some people are very rude and I was very uncomfortable all afternoon. Many of my friends have told me how much they love Paris. Maybe I was expecting too much, but today Paris was a huge disappointment for me.

Oh, do you want to know one more thing? We took a river cruise after dinner and the top section of the boat filled up right away. They had said no one could stand in the aisle so we went to the lower deck to choose our seats near a large clean window for a nice view. The next thing we hear was loud voices of many children. There was apparently a school field trip for the world's loudest, rudest intermediate age kids. Twice a lady, perhaps a teacher, said "sh-sh-sh" to them, which was totally ignored. They did get in their seats and stayed there, but the loud voices didn't quiet. The guide on the boat told them twice to be silent and for one moment they were.

I really don't want to ride on the Metro, the filthiest place I've ever seen, again and would be ready to go home in the morning if that option were offered.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

European Adventure Day 3

The weather in London has been perfect for our adventure. Sunny skies and temps in the low 60s. We began the day with a short trip on the Tube, London's subway. We were met by our awesome tour guide, Keith. He educated & entertained us this morning as we visited St. Paul's Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, St. John's, Westminster Abbey & Buckingham Palace.

Following our tour / history lesson, Kith took us to Piccadilly Circus where he turned us loose on London for about 2 hours.

The other group landed in London about 1:30, I think. Miriam our tour leader and Cheryl went to meet them while the rest of us toured the Tower of London where we saw the Crown Jewels. I wish I could have taken photos there, but you know that isn't permitted.

Dinner tonight was near the Tower of London at a place called Wagamama. Noodle Bar. The food was delicious.

Following dinner we split into 3 groups, the first was the people who missed the sights of London, so Miriam took them around the city. There was a group who wanted to do a Jack the Ripper walking tour and I had considered doing that. Instead I was asked to go with a small group who wanted to go see Harrod's Department Store. Five floors and the basement full of beautiful things! I was invited to go with this group so I could navigate the Tube. I was a little nervous being in charge, but we made the trip there and back to the hotel without a problem, except the last train terminated just two stops before our destination. We got on the next train in less than a minute.

And now we're safe in our hotel where we must prepare to leave in the morning at 6:00. So while you gentle folk at home in Kentucky are fast asleep at midnight, we will be rising to begin our 4th day of adventure, traveling to Paris via the EuroStar Train. I'm looking forward to it.

I think if I came back to London soon, I could be a decent guide with a map and the Tube. I would be happy to return and stay longer.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Our European Adventure Day 2

This has been a real adventure! I am part of a 34 member tour group which was too large for the airline to accommodate all of us on the same flight. Yes, you guessed it, we were divided into two groups and I am in group A which left Nashville very early Monday morning. Group B left Nashville around 5:30 Monday afternoon.

As you know from yesterday's posts we had a small snafu when our flight was delayed a couple of hours in New York. The rest of our flight was pretty typical... nothing extraordinary to report.

Group B left Chicago on time (I think), but had to make an emergency landing in Newfoundland for an ill passenger. Following that interruption there was electrical problems that made it necessary to land again in Ireland, where they will remain tonight. The plan is for them to arrive in London early in the morning to join us on the tour.

I learned today that London has way too many people living here, 80 million! A very large number of them ride the Tube, as it is known here. I can take the Tube and even change trains after spending today riding and connecting.

The first sightseeing location took us to Westminster and to Covent Garden for food and shopping. Our evening ended at Young's Prince William Henry for an authentic fish and chips dinner.

Since we didn't sleep very much on board the plane last night everyone was tired and ready for a peaceful night's sleep.

Tomorrow we'll all be rested and ready for another exciting day touring London.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Our European Adventure Day 1

6:00 a.m. Waiting in the rain for everyone to arrive at North Marshall Middle School.

9:30 a.m. We made it through security! We have plenty of time before our flight, so now we wait until 11:05 for flight 4197.

2:45 p.m. Our pilot, Cliff Webb, made a beautiful landing at JFK. We hardly realized when the wheels touched down. Our next flight is still more than 5 hours away.

Photos: Waiting to board in Nashville & descending at JFK

6:00 p.m. Flight is delayed. We were told a few minutes ago that maintenance is on board the plane now. Oops!

6:10 p.m. Flight has been rescheduled for 6:45 p.m.

7:45 p.m. Boarded flight AA100 from JFK To Heathrow. This should be the last post until tomorrow.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Etched Glass

I tried etching glass for the first time. I was satisfied with my first glass, so I'll do more after my trip to Europe.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fleetwood / American Coach Tour

Fleetwood is spread out in Decatur, but we found building 44 without much trouble.  There were eleven of us on the tour who came from Arizona, central Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan and of course Kentucky. Some, like us came just for the tour, others chose to tour while their coach was in for repairs.

We began by going out on the lot to see the different chassis then followed Tom, our tour guide who knows everything about Fleetwood's coaches, into the building where we watched as they set a foundation on a chassis, added the floor, ceramic tile, cabinets, walls, roof and then to the paint shop. I counted 13 units being manufactured at the time we were there and many more at the paint shop.

They build each model as the orders arrive, so we saw several models in progress and were even able to go inside two finished coaches. After touring the factory, I believe the coaches manufactured here are well-built, good quality RV's.

The one thing that impressed me most at the other factory tour we did this week, the air pallets to move the coaches through the plant, wasn't used here today. Instead, they drive the units through this facility. I recommend factory tour at Fleetwood for everyone. Because you are actually on the floor while the work is going on, they don't permit children younger than 16 on the tour.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Farewell Michigan

Sunday afternoon we headed to Paw Paw for the St. Julian's Winery Festival where I purchased my first Christmas gift. After going back to the motorhome for a couple of hours we had a delicious farewell dinner in South Haven at Clementine's. I'm very glad we were able to spend a week in Michigan.

Monday was  a travel day. We stopped in Decatur, Indiana to tour the Fleetwood factory. Fleetwood has a lot with 60 sites for visitors and folks coming in for service so we're on one of these sites.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fly Wheelers

Saturday took us to the Fly Wheelers Festival. Another interesting afternoon in the country. A continuous parade of vehicles from lawn tractors, golf carts, antique cars to the antique tractors even an army tank moved through the festival grounds at a steady pace. Of course there was a tractor-pull and some other exhibits.

The highlight of the day was the steamed corn-on-the-cob! A steam engine provided the steam for the cooker where dozens of ears of unshucked corn were steamed. There was a line of folks waiting for  an ear of corn all afternoon, so we had to have one, too! That was some delicious corn. They pulled  they shucks back, wrapped a paper towel around them, dipped the kernels into a pot of melted butter and handed it to us. That was the best corn ever tender, sweet, juicy and hot.

Motorhomes in Elkhart

Friday was motorhome day. In Elkhart we stopped for breakfast then on  to Nappanee. We were on the 10:00 a.m. tour of the Thor factory. It was a great tour and I was impressed with how a motorhome moves through the different stations to completion. It was a day of learning! Now we're ready to see how some of the other manufacturers build their motorhomes to compare what we learned.

After lunch we went to the RV/MH Hall of Fame Museum in Elkhart where we saw many different types of vintage RV's. I was amazed by how similar today's modern RV's  are to those vintage ones dating back to the early twentieth century. Many of today's modern ideas are simply improvements on old ideas.

Thursday in Saugatuck

We spent a delightful day in Saugatuck, Michigan where we found dozens of shops, galleries and eateries. The first new thing I spotted was a black squirrel. I had never even heard of them.

Our day began at Monroe's for breakfast. The french toast was yummy! We found a few area attractions had closed on Labor Day for the year, but there was still plenty for us to see and do to fill the entire day.

Betty needed to get some postcards so we went into the local drugstore where she found what she wanted and the clerk was very friendly. She told us of things to see, of things we had missed because they are no longer in Saugatuck and how to get where we wanted to go.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hello South Haven

It was a beautiful day! We began with the sales tour of Sunny Brook, a very nice RV resort. No, we didn't buy a lot. I took a couple of pictures at one lot on the resort's lake. The lots are 40' x 80'.
The "coach houses" are 10'x15'
A roll-up window at the bar

The neighbor has a private beach

Inside view of the roll-up window

and a full bathroom!
So what do you think? I'll post a few more pictures tomorrow at another lot.

On to South Haven...

We expected a thunderstorm which actually was a half hour rain shower, yea! The sun came out and we were off to town. We strolled in & out of the shops where we sampled olive oils and chocolates and even made a couple of purchases, too.
The young lady working at Kilwin's Chocolate, Fudge, Ice Cream Shop asked where we were from. I told her and she said she knew it. I asked how and she said we were funny, friendly and have that accent. I was glad we were funny and friendly.  I've never noticed an accent when I speak,,,,hmmm.




Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Welcome to Sunny Brook

Ray and I arrived at Sunny Brook RV Resort in South Haven, Michigan late this afternoon.  Our friends, Don & Betty got here just ahead of us. Earlier this year at the Tampa RV Show, we were given a complimentary stay at Sunny Brook. Tomorrow we'll get a tour of the resort.

 After dinner tonight we drove down through town. South Haven is a tourist town on Lake Michigan.  I spotted plenty of inviting restaurants and shops to be investigated as the week goes on, particularly a couple of chocolate shops I'll be sure to visit  just to be able to report on them to Vicki.

We stopped  to get a photo of the sunset on the lake before it was too late.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A New Day

This is just another day for many, but for me it is a new day. Today marks the first time in 34 years that I am not excited and prepared for the first day of school. I haven't been back-to-school shopping. I don't have a new assortment of pens & notepads, no new school clothes or bag, no lunch packed.  What a difference retirement makes!

Last night my mind wasn't full of "first day of school" thoughts racing around.  I did wonder how my friends had setup their classrooms, decorated the doors and bulletin boards to welcome the new classes and if they were so excited they wouldn't sleep. I didn't set the alarm clock, that I never needed anyway. I had an internal alarm to wake me before the buzzer sounded. This morning I awoke to this new day missing the expectation of the new school year.

As I write this now, the doors of VPE are opening to students eager to get to their new classroom. They will be anxious to see their teacher and classmates.There will be new students who will be entering the doors for the very first time . They will be unsure of that strange place and all the students & teachers around them, but it won't take long for them to settle in and become comfortable in their new school.

This is a new day!

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year. – Emerson
  •  Today is the Best Day of the Year!
  •  Today I will be positive!
  •  Today I will be Happy!
  •  Today I Choose to have Fun!
  •  Today is the BEST DAY!


Monday, August 13, 2012

Across the Pond

It's confirmed! I'm crossing the pond in just 50 days to London and Paris. I've never been to Europe, so now I need to do a little research...

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Launch

This is the launch of Whereabouts and Whimsy. I plan to post a travelogue of photos and descriptions from our travel adventures. My husband and I usually travel in our 40ft. motorhome and tow a vehicle.

 At times I may share other interesting tidbits, crafts, recipes, scrapbooking, etc. along the way.

I want to thank my friend and proofreader extraordinaire, Vicki A. for her help with choosing the name Whereabouts & Whimsy. Where in the world would we be without friends? I would be completely lost.