Monday, October 1, 2012

Our European Adventure Day 1

6:00 a.m. Waiting in the rain for everyone to arrive at North Marshall Middle School.

9:30 a.m. We made it through security! We have plenty of time before our flight, so now we wait until 11:05 for flight 4197.

2:45 p.m. Our pilot, Cliff Webb, made a beautiful landing at JFK. We hardly realized when the wheels touched down. Our next flight is still more than 5 hours away.

Photos: Waiting to board in Nashville & descending at JFK

6:00 p.m. Flight is delayed. We were told a few minutes ago that maintenance is on board the plane now. Oops!

6:10 p.m. Flight has been rescheduled for 6:45 p.m.

7:45 p.m. Boarded flight AA100 from JFK To Heathrow. This should be the last post until tomorrow.


  1. Long day of travel - I know it will be worth it. I guess you have figured out by now I am responding backwards. Trying to catch up on your adventure. :)
