Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fleetwood / American Coach Tour

Fleetwood is spread out in Decatur, but we found building 44 without much trouble.  There were eleven of us on the tour who came from Arizona, central Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan and of course Kentucky. Some, like us came just for the tour, others chose to tour while their coach was in for repairs.

We began by going out on the lot to see the different chassis then followed Tom, our tour guide who knows everything about Fleetwood's coaches, into the building where we watched as they set a foundation on a chassis, added the floor, ceramic tile, cabinets, walls, roof and then to the paint shop. I counted 13 units being manufactured at the time we were there and many more at the paint shop.

They build each model as the orders arrive, so we saw several models in progress and were even able to go inside two finished coaches. After touring the factory, I believe the coaches manufactured here are well-built, good quality RV's.

The one thing that impressed me most at the other factory tour we did this week, the air pallets to move the coaches through the plant, wasn't used here today. Instead, they drive the units through this facility. I recommend factory tour at Fleetwood for everyone. Because you are actually on the floor while the work is going on, they don't permit children younger than 16 on the tour.

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