Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fly Wheelers

Saturday took us to the Fly Wheelers Festival. Another interesting afternoon in the country. A continuous parade of vehicles from lawn tractors, golf carts, antique cars to the antique tractors even an army tank moved through the festival grounds at a steady pace. Of course there was a tractor-pull and some other exhibits.

The highlight of the day was the steamed corn-on-the-cob! A steam engine provided the steam for the cooker where dozens of ears of unshucked corn were steamed. There was a line of folks waiting for  an ear of corn all afternoon, so we had to have one, too! That was some delicious corn. They pulled  they shucks back, wrapped a paper towel around them, dipped the kernels into a pot of melted butter and handed it to us. That was the best corn ever tender, sweet, juicy and hot.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, our sweet corn has been done for over month. Lucky you!!!!
