Thursday, May 17, 2018

Summer Adventure 2018 Day 5

The trip continued on I-94 W to Billings from Bismarck.
The drive  was smooth the whole way. We watched as the terrain changed from the flat lands to the Badlands.
I was able to get a few good pictures along the way from the transformation of the landscape to New Salem Sue standing high above the highway and the giant metal Flying Geese sculpture.

Our overnight stay for tonight is a Pilot Travel Plaza. Not long after getting parked there came a short hail storm then the lots began filling with dozens of big trucks. According to Google, we are 1,600 miles from home.

A few shots from the oilfields as we passed by.

 I liked these shots so I'm sharing with you.

 Ray talked with this fella' while we  were at the Painted Canyon. Guess where he's headed! You're right...We may see him again in Alaska.


  1. Thanks for sharing this adventure.

  2. Flying geese are cool! Man that's a big cow on the New Salem hill!
