Monday, May 21, 2018

Lake Louise Summer Adventure 2018 Day 10

Day 10 adventure took us to Lake Louise. The drive was about an hour and a half from our campground.We tried many times to get a campground in the area, but our timing was a little bit off. Today is Victoria Day, which is a federal holiday to honor Queen Victoria's birthday and a long holiday weekend.  It seemed that half the population was out today in Banff National Park. We had lunch at the hotel, Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise. After lunch Bill, Lora, Gina Bean and I hiked the path to the end of the lake a distance of about 2 kilometers; the others walked part way. The lake was still almost 90% ice covered and the path from the upper parking lot had been recently shoveled with the snow still piled to the side.

Nearly frozen Lake Louise
Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise

These last pictures were taken along the drive from Calgary to Lake Louise.