Thursday, June 9, 2016

Summer Road Trip

It has been awhile since I've posted, even though I tell myself I should do a better job here. Anyway, we left Kentucky Tuesday on I-64 W. Yes, we made it beyond St. Louis this time. I found a very nice place to stay overnight just off I-70, Lazy Day Campground. If we are ever travelling this way again, I will remember to stay with the friendly folks there.

We continued west to Kansas City then turned north. In Iowa the farmers were all out working along I-29. The highway follows the trail blazed by Lewis & Clark and we noticed a couple of communities advertising festivals in their honor. Our stay in Iowa was at another friendly campground called On-Ur-Wa, where we met a couple brand new to RVing from Alaska.

Today we are still heading north and plan to land in Oakes, North Dakota. We decided to begin the summer adventure with North Dakota because we've never been there and our friends, Terry & Vicki live there. What better reason could there be for visiting North Dakota? Maybe I'll to go on a field trip to the farm while there.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, we stayed several times at Lazy Day during our years of summering in Scranton ND. Lovely folks! We even stayed there, sleeping in the back of our pickup, on our way to sell the summer home in ND. If I remember correctly the bath rooms had interesting paintings!
