Monday, June 10, 2013

Mammoth Cave

Even though Ray and I have lived in Kentucky only 2 hours from Mammoth Cave our entire lives, neither of us had ever been there, until today. We decided to begin our 2013 Summer Adventure at this National Park /  World Heritage Site. The visitor center was bustling with experienced hikers & spelunkers as well as the novices. We chose the Historic Tour,  a 2-mile/2-hour excursion. Stops along the way included the saltpetre mines, which remain as they were left almost 200 years ago, Fat Man's Misery and Tall Man's Misery. I was able to snap a few pictures as we trekked through a portion of the world's longest cave.
The Historic Entrance

Saltpetre Mine

Ray made it through the Fat Man's Misery

and the Tall Man's Misery, too!



  1. Way to go Ray!!!! A real cave

  2. Is your Flintstone car waiting for you?

  3. I did not like the cave - too claustrophobic ! Good pics. Vicki

  4. They warned us about claustropbia befor the tour!
