Saturday, September 13, 2014

I Could Use A Nap!

Today has been a very long travel day. It began at 4:30 this morning when my eyes sprung open and were not willing to sleep another minute. We met Rick and Pam for breakfast before getting on the road again. I was doing alright until we got on I-64. I was cold and ready for a nap and we had a 352 mile journey ahead of us. By the time we passed Ashland, I felt as though I had been riding the entire day. What a let down when I saw on the gps that we should arrive at Mt. Airy at 4:30 p.m., and it was still morning. How could time drag on like that?

The highway in West Virginia reminded me of sections of the Alaskan Highway, except there were no orange flags to give us warning.  Thank goodness Vicki was able to chat with me for awhile during the day. For short spans I could focus on something other than the length of this trip. 

We arrived at the Mayberry Campground about 5:00 p.m. After getting the motorhome setup we found  Sue's Seafood & Steaks Home Cooking Restaurant where we enjoyed supper then went across the parking lot to pickup some milk, cereal and eggs. 

Finally, we're in for the night and I'm looking forward to sweet dreams. I can't go to bed too early or else I'll be awake again in the morning way too early, but you can bet your bottom dollar I'll be crawling into my amazing sleep number bed in less than an hour. Sweet Dreams!

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