Thursday, November 20, 2014

Painting With Bridgette

Tuesday evening nine ladies painted abstract Santas with Bridgette at her Arte Vino studio. Everyone followed the same directions, but left with completely different paintings. They had so much fun they suggested having a monthly painting date. 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Cottage

In my last post I wrote about getting the cottage setup. The cottage is actually a travel trailer which is known as a Cedar Creek Cottage. Several friends have been wondering where the pictures have been, so today I have a few pictures to share with you of our little home in Okeechobee, Florida at Silver Palms RV Resort.

The first picture was taken at our neighbor's lot across the lake from us.

A closer view of our lot.


All of this and a fireplace and dishwasher, too

A king-size bed

Thursday, October 30, 2014

We Made It!

We arrived at Silver Palms RV Resort  last Monday ahead of our cottage. Our neighbor graciously allowed us to sleep in his cabana/ guest room. The cottage was setup Tuesday morning just minutes before the rain began. We spent the entire week wiping out cabinets and drawers, lining them with shelf paper and finding the perfect spot for everything.

Saturday we enjoyed a delightful evening and delicious meal prepared at the clubhouse by The Tin Fish. The group was small which allowed us to chat with everyone.

As this week draws to an end, we are just about finished getting things pulled together. Today the steps were delivered and set in place. Tomorrow the vent covers will be installed. That will leave installing the screen door when it arrives.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Summer's End

Today brings summer to its end for me. After spending the past two weeks in the mountains of North Carolina and the Great Smoky Mountains, we're returning home to family and friends. I'm very happy we were able to spend a few days with our North Dakota friends. Next week I'll be going back to school to work part-time. I am looking forward to seeing everyone there and catching up. They have been back in school for more than a month.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Mt. Airy More Than Mayberry

There's more to Mt. Airy than Mayberry, although Andy Griffith is the most widely known attraction in town. During a weekend in September the annual Mayberry Days will bring 25,000 fans to town in celebration of the fictional town of Mayberry and its beloved residents.

Mt. Airy also hosts other annual festivals such as the Fiddler's Convention and the Tommy Jarrell Festival bringing Old-Time Music lovers & musicians to town. There's community theater at the Andy Griffith Playhouse,Old-time music and dances at the Old-Time Music Heritage Hall & Historic Earle Theater and there is summer music at the Blackmon Amphitheatre.

Mt. Airy is the home of the world's largest open-face granite quarry which has been in operation 125 years continuously. Archaeologists project the quarry will be producing granite for another 500 years. Many homes, churches and other buildings in the area built before World War I  were built of granite from the quarry.

You shouldn't visit Mt. Airy thinking you'll pull up a rocking chair to sit back and relax. This town is alive and well and inviting you to come join in the good times.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

No Rush Today

No rush today... we stayed in during the morning, even making breakfast in the motorhome. We did drive into town to see what was there. We found Wally's Service Station where we also photographed the Darlin's cabin, Andy's office at the Mayberry Courthouse.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

I Could Use A Nap!

Today has been a very long travel day. It began at 4:30 this morning when my eyes sprung open and were not willing to sleep another minute. We met Rick and Pam for breakfast before getting on the road again. I was doing alright until we got on I-64. I was cold and ready for a nap and we had a 352 mile journey ahead of us. By the time we passed Ashland, I felt as though I had been riding the entire day. What a let down when I saw on the gps that we should arrive at Mt. Airy at 4:30 p.m., and it was still morning. How could time drag on like that?

The highway in West Virginia reminded me of sections of the Alaskan Highway, except there were no orange flags to give us warning.  Thank goodness Vicki was able to chat with me for awhile during the day. For short spans I could focus on something other than the length of this trip. 

We arrived at the Mayberry Campground about 5:00 p.m. After getting the motorhome setup we found  Sue's Seafood & Steaks Home Cooking Restaurant where we enjoyed supper then went across the parking lot to pickup some milk, cereal and eggs. 

Finally, we're in for the night and I'm looking forward to sweet dreams. I can't go to bed too early or else I'll be awake again in the morning way too early, but you can bet your bottom dollar I'll be crawling into my amazing sleep number bed in less than an hour. Sweet Dreams!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


I just finished this photo book for my grandson's T-ball team.

Click here to view this photo book larger
Shutterfly offers exclusive layouts and designs so you can make your book just the way you want.

Friday, March 21, 2014

March Update

Not that there are many of you who keep up, but we spent the winter in Florida. We love our friends at Silver Palms RV Resort and look forward every year to spending time with them. There are shopping trips, exercise and line dancing classes, crafts,  dinners and plenty of social hours to keep everyone busy around here. The last week of March is approaching and everyday it seems someone else is leaving to go back home to friends and family. In just over a week we will be on our way.